Man who found horse's head on bonnet denies underworld connections

By Donal MacIntyre

An Australian pleaded with the Police that he was not involved in the underworld after a horse’s head was placed on the bonnet of his car, in a scene nearly directly lifted from the film 'The Godfather'.
In a scene reminiscent of the 1974 classic,  ‘The Godfather’, where a horse’s head was placed in the bed of an enemy as a mafia warning, , the horse’s head was bloody and a shock to the victim but he was keen to insist that for him, it had no such connections.
The Australian victim said that he believed that he may have been the target of a disgruntled girlfriend but admitted that people might jump to conclusions, he told the Sidney Morning Herald.
He said that he awoke to strange sounds outside his house and then saw the horse’s head.
"It could have been an ex-girlfriend from two or three years ago, that's about it. 'm not involved (in gangs). That's 100% true. I'm in a relationship with a girl just trying to live my life and everyone's turning this into something that it's not”, he told the Morning Herald.
It is not an altogether rare occurrence.
Earlier this year, a Florida neighbourhood awoke to a similar scene.
Residents in a Miami-Dade discovering the severed head of a horse but this time it was not connected to gangland but to a animal abuse cult.

Richard Couto, animal expert said that he believed the animal was killedduring the religious practice of Santeria, during which animals are sacrificed.