Archives of the Chief Investigator, Summer 1997

During my tenure as the Chief Investigator I wrote a column for our quarterly news letter. Here is a look at the past.


by Chief Investigator, Wayne A. Johnson


The recent release of many Chicago Upper Echelon LCN (La Cosa Nostra) leaders had concerned law enforcement officials throughout the Chicagoland area. Many of these individuals are on parole and being watched closely. My experience in Organized Crime tells me that some may slip up and be violated, while most will become a little more efficient in their day to day operations and continue to build million dollar homes in areas such as; Naperville, Inverness, and other areas in DuPage and Lake Counties where nary a Lawman can afford to reside. Well not to fret, some assistance has come to Law Enforcement in the form of “Mother Nature” herself. It seems that during the last year many of these lifelong criminals have died soon after their release.


Well, as the young Turks (the next generation of Organized Crime Leaders) continue to  abuse and steal from labor unions in the area, Some very dedicated Special Agents from the U. S. Department of Labor, Office of the Inspector General,  continue the task of weeding these individuals out of the Unions under the watchful eye of the Federal Judiciary. But, like most Law Enforcement Agencies they are overworked and understaffed. Recently, the Chicago Police, Gambling Unit provided some assistance in this effort with the arrest of a Laborer’s Local President in the possession of over $300,00.00 in wagers and a dozen cell phones, apparently to carry out this sizable Gambling operation. It is imperative that we follow suit with a conviction to facilitate his ejection from office. We at the Chicago Crime Commission will pay particular attention to this case in the local courts.


 The devices continue to plague the city and suburbs by taking millions of dollars from the pockets of hard working citizens who have become hooked on the devices and the dreams of a winning hand. In the initial research the Chicago Crime Commission has amassed, we see some familiar names in Organized Crime, involved in the distribution of these machines. It is this involvement more than anything else, that inspires us to continue this research and ultimately provide our Lawmakers with recommendations to alleviate this menace to society. Recently, Federal Prosecutors have won a conviction in New Orleans and filed Racketeering Charges against two former State Senators and several others alleging involvement in a bribery scheme involving Video Poker. In the near future this case will be reviewed to assist in our effort in solving this growing problem.


In March of 1997, The University of Illinois at Chicago, Office of International Criminal Justice, held a three day conference on Organized Crime, focusing on Non-Traditional Organized Crime Groups, just as we at the Chicago Crime Commission near completion of our new and timely publication “The New faces of Organized Crime”. At this time we would like to commend the efforts of Crime Commission Member Dr. Richard Ward, Sean Malinowski, and Gene Scaramella for their efforts. In my opinion it was the most comprehensive consortium dealing with these issues the Midwest has ever seen.

Mob Biggie Johnny Roselli Getting Biopic

Fox & Davis Entertainment Developing Biopic About Mobster Johnny Roselli

Handsome Johnny Roselli was part of the Chicago Outfit that Al Capone built in the 1920s. He headed west and helped build Las Vegas and put the bite on Hollywood to pay for it. Hollywood is paying Roselli back with a movie.

The biopic is being put together by 20th Century Fox and Davis Entertainment. The movie will be produced by John Davis (The Man from U.N.C.L.E.) and Ira Napoloello, with Michael Ireland calling in the shots for Fox.

Roselli was born Filippo Sacco in 1905.  Roselli is a mythic figure in some circles. He is responsible for getting Marilyn Monroe signed at Columbia Pictures. In 1959, the CIA called on him to help them put a hit on Fidel Castro in Cuba. He spent months trying to poison Castro’s food. Some people say Roselli contracted the job on President Kennedy. In 1976, Roselli he was called in to testify about the JFK assassination committee in the house. He never made it. His body was found in a steel drum in the Dumfoundling Bay.

It should be a good gangster movie.


Alleged Outfit associate convicted of extortion by federal jury

  JUNE 15, 2015

A longtime associate of reputed Outfit bosses Peter and John DiFronzo was convicted Monday of extortion for threatening a deadbeat suburban businessman and then hiring a team of goons to break the victim's legs months later when he still wouldn't pay up hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.

"How are your wife and kids doing? Are you still living in Park Ridge?" prosecutors said Michael "Mickey" Davis asked the victim during a January 2013 confrontation at a Melrose Park used car dealership, according to trial testimony. "Does your wife still own that salon in Schaumburg?"

After two weeks of testimony, a federal jury deliberated about nine hours before convicting Davis, 58, on two extortion-related counts. He faces up to 20 years in prison on each count.

As the verdict was read, Davis, dressed in a light gray suit with his hair slicked back, raised his eyebrows, turned to whisper something to one of his lawyers, sat back in his chair and shook his head.
Prosecutors sought to immediately jail Davis pending sentencing, but U.S. District Judge Samuel Der-Yeghiayan allowed Davis to remain free for now so he can go to a doctor's appointment. Davis could be taken into custody when he is scheduled to return to court next week.

In the lobby of the Dirksen U.S. Courthouse, Davis' attorney, Thomas Anthony Durkin, vowed to appeal, telling reporters he was "disappointed that the jury could conclude from nothing but circumstantial evidence that it was proof beyond a reasonable doubt."
Davis' trial featured some of the biggest names in the depleted ranks of the Chicago Outfit, including the DiFronzo brothers and Salvatore "Solly D" DeLaurentis, all reputed leaders of the notorious Elmwood Park crew. While none of the aging bosses was charged with any wrongdoing, their names and photos were shown to jurors as evidence of Davis' purported connections to the highest levels of the mob.

The alleged victim of the extortion plot, R.J. Serpico, testified that he was well aware of Davis' friendship with the DiFronzo brothers and that he often saw Davis and Peter DiFronzo cruising past his Ideal Motors dealership in DiFronzo's black Cadillac Escalade. Serpico, who is a nephew of longtime Melrose Park Mayor Ronald Serpico, said he also had heard that Davis was partnered with DeLaurentis, a feared capo convicted in the 1990s of racketeering conspiracy in connection with a violent gambling crew run by Ernest Rocco Infelice.

Durkin said Davis has known the DiFronzo brothers since childhood and that for years he has maintained a business relationship with them through his landfill in Plainfield, where two DiFronzo-owned construction companies have paid millions to dump asphalt and other construction debris. Davis and Peter DiFronzo were also golfing and fishing buddies, Durkin said.

"As many witnesses testified, growing up in Melrose Park, or growing up in Elmwood Park as Mickey did, you come to know those people," Durkin said Monday. "I don't think at this point Peter DiFronzo is anything but a businessman. I think it's unfortunate that he gets tarred with the same brush, but the government seems hellbent on continuing to put the Outfit out of business, and I don't begrudge them that, but I do begrudge them the means that they go about doing it."

Prosecutors allege that within months of the ominous January 2013 confrontation at Ideal Motors, Davis, infuriated that Serpico had still failed to pay back a $300,000 loan, ordered his brutal beating, enlisting the help of a well-known Italian restaurant owner in Burr Ridge to find the right guys for the job. The restaurateur went to reputed mob associate Paulie Carparelli, who in turn hired a team of bone-cracking goons to carry out the beating for $10,000, according to prosecutors.

Unbeknownst to everyone involved, however, the beefy union bodyguard tasked with coordinating the assault, George Brown, had been nabbed months earlier in an unrelated extortion plot and was secretly cooperating with the FBI. In July 2013, agents swooped in to stop the beating before it was carried out, court records show.

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