Archieves of the Chief Investigator: Fall 1997

During my tenure as the Chief Investigator I wrote a column for our quarterly news letter. Here is a look at the past.


  by Chief Investigator, Wayne A. Johnson


Crain’s Chicago Business has stepped up to the plate, and in my opinion hit a triple. Their summer report regarding recent misappropriations of the North Loop tax-increment financing district known as (TIF) funds sends a strong message to those handing out no-bid contracts for the City of Chicago. The message is: “ we are watching”. It seems this story has raised some concerns in City Hall, and just maybe certain companies, especially those with Organized Crime ties, will not be awarded such valuable contracts or do business with the City at all. There are just too many quality companies out there, to being doing business with the Chicago Outfit.   


Since July of 1997, the City of Chicago has hosted hearings by the Office of the GEB Attorney, of the Laborers’ International Union of North America. The hearings are being conducted by Peter F. Vaira, an Independent Hearing Officer and have been held at the Chicago Federal Building and The Midland Hotel in downtown Chicago. These hearings are in response to a Complaint for Trusteeship filed by the GEB Attorney who is charged with the oversight of the Union. In laymen’s terms this is an action put forth that can take control of the union away from those now in power. The reason for this action is that investigators found  individuals who are serving, or have served as officers, trustees, and employees are members,  associates, or relatives of  “Chicago Outfit” members. Twenty-Three individuals were characterized in this manner and listed in the Complaint. This is very unsettling for the vast majority of the union membership, who are honest, hard working, dues paying members. The Chicago Crime Commission took great pride in working with attorneys and investigators to carry out these hearings. A finding should be released by the end of 1997 and we wait with great anticipation and hope that such unscrupulous individuals are removed from the union. 


The Gambling Committee of the Chicago Crime Commission has identified Video Poker as a primary source of concern in our efforts to fight legalized Gambling in every front. In a fact finding process the Committee
members were presented with an initial report. This report synopsizes some very startling facts regarding  gambling and the beginning stages of the epidemic. Environmentally it is a shared belief that kids are encouraged to gamble because it is considered cool by their peers. Along with that belief we also see that video arcades prepare these young gamblers for an easy transition to activities such as Video Poker. A recent high school survey showed that 2/3 of the kids in a northwest suburban high school gamble in some manner. This information has led to belief by the Chicago Crime Commission that states: “Gambling is not dangerous because it is illegal, it is illegal because it is dangerous”.