Archives of the Chief Investigator: Summer 1998


  by Chief Investigator, Wayne A. Johnson

                                                 ORGANIZED CRIME IN CHICAGO


  Chicago Newspapers have exhaustively reported on the scandalous events surrounding the Village Administration and it’s Police Department. Over recent months a newly hired Police Chief and Deputy Chief were suspended pending separation, for handing documents over to Federal Investigators that paint a picture of widespread corruption within the Village Administration. Since that revelation these highly regarded police professionals have been hit with a barrage of allegations aimed at their credibility and honesty. It seems like fifty plus years of exemplary police service means nothing when the venom of Cicero is injected into one’s career. Meanwhile the response to these vacancies was to place an officer at the helm, that while light on experience, was heavy with clout. It was no surprise when he stepped down in less than one week for his associations to an Organized Crime figure. The next move I find puzzling, as the Illinois State Police took over the duties of managing the beleaguered Police Department. It seemed like the only quick solution to such a problem but, I wonder: Is the Illinois State Police staffed to handle such bailouts? I guess we will find out soon.

  Meanwhile, the first of what sources close to the investigation claim, may be dozens of indictments was filed in federal court. This, as much of the malfeasance in Cicero leads to the same place, the top. Since this case emerged others have blossomed in the landscape of the Federal Plaza in Downtown Chicago. The latest a Billing controversy has lead investigators to the pristine countryside of Wisconsin. Who knows where it may go next!


  In an attempt to save his own hide Organized Crime scoundrel Bobby “The Beak” Siegel, spilled his guts over the last couple of years after his arrest in Tampa Florida. This led to a year long wire tap of a former Chicago Police Deputy Superintendent, that for years held a national reputation as a crime fighter of the highest level. This also produced notices for a couple hundred individuals regarding their conversations with the retiree. Troubling news for any police officer! Once this information was first released, it was followed by other interesting events to include: the retirement of a high ranking police official suspected of being involved in what was characterized as a nationwide federal investigation of alleged jewelry thefts, involvement of other active Chicago Police Officers, and the re-emergence of often discussed but, never investigated  affiliations between high ranking police officials and Organized Crime figures.

  It seems that the bad guys and a very small number of police officers got a little too cozy in their relationships and decided to work together, targeting jewelry salesmen. It is alleged that the salesman would be spotted plying their trade in the jewelry district of the Loop known as “Jeweler’s Row”. Their license numbers would be recorded from their cars and given to on duty police officers for registration information. After this information was passed on to the bad guys the salesmen would be robbed at a later time near or at their homes. The bad guys would then use their network of fencing operations to move the stolen merchandise, often in different states, a clear federal violation. 

  Although not Cicero, it seems that Chicago needs to re-evaluate their internal investigation capabilities and enforcement of Rule 47, that led to a previous Superintendent’s demise.